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Aberdeen coaches go from one sport right to another

Aberdeen Christian boys basketball coach David Rohrbach, center, talks to his team in a time out during Thursday’s game at the South Dakota Class B Boys Basketball Tournament at Wachs Arena. photo by John Davis

March Madness is a busy time of the year for basketball coaches. It’s been even busier for two Aberdeen men who also coach a spring sport.

Trent Kurtz, assistant boys’ basketball coach for Aberdeen Central, and David Rohrbach, head boys’ basketball coach for Aberdeen Christian, concluded their basketball seasons on Saturday and began their spring coaching duties on Monday. Kurtz is the boys’ tennis coach for the Golden Eagles, while Rohrbach is the track and field coach for the Knights.

“No break whatsoever in between them other than Sunday,” Rohrbach said. “It’s almost funny how quick the turnover was.”

Kurtz said the nice weather helped to make the transition a bit smoother.

“We were joking today that my brain has to go to tennis brain after being at state basketball. Coach (Dawn) Seiler told me the weather will make that happen faster and she’s right,” Kurtz said. “Being able to get outside it feels like tennis season, so it’s easy to adapt.”

Both men were quick to credit their assistant coaches for helping out while they were a bit preoccupied with their basketball duties.

‘Number one it helps to have an assistant like John (Vogel). He’s a huge asset to us as a program and to me personally,” Kurtz said. “I trusted him completely.”

Rohrbach felt the same away about his assistants who kept things going while the basketball season finished up.

“They ran everything,” Rohrbach said. “I’m really thankful for them. They did a lot.”

Christian played in the State B championship on Saturday night. Rohrbach said it takes a lot of energy for a full three days of basketball, but that he will also give the track and field athletes the best he has this spring.

“Obviously, you’re expending a ton of mental and emotional energy, making sure you’re at your best for the team,” Rohrbach said of the state basketball tourney. “In a couple of days I’ll be good to go and give track my best shot, too.”

To make things more interesting, Rohrbach also serves as the golf coach for Aberdeen Christian.

“We’ll start golf in about a week or so,” he said. “Luckily, we only have a couple of golfers, so that’s a little more low key.”

In addition to the quick turnaround time, Kurtz spent the past weekend in Rapid City for the State AA tournament and will depart for three more days in Rapid City to start the tennis season. While it’s a long trip, he said he doesn’t mind the travel.

“It will be my third trip to Rapid in four weeks. We went out there for our playoff game, our South Dakota 16 game, back out for the state tournament and back out five days later,” Kurtz said. “My mom lives out there, so I make that trip quite a bit. I enjoy that trip. A lot of people don’t, but I’m ready to make it one more time.”

So how could things have gotten any busier over the weekend? Well, Rohrbach’s wife, Hallie celebrated a birthday through all the comotion as well.

“We gave her a nice shout out at our homecoming reception,” Rohrbach said. “It was kind of cool because some of the mom’s gave her a present. We’ll probably go out to eat later this week.”

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