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Aberdeen ready to host adult state trapshooting event

The shooting lines were filled last season at the Aberdeen Gun Club by participants in the South Dakota State High School Clay Target League State Tournament. The Gun Club is hosting the adult state tourney today through Sunday. Photo by John Davis taken 6/11/2022
The South Dakota State Trapshooting Tournament is back in Aberdeen. The annual event, which is on a three-city rotation schedule, starts today with a warm-up day and concludes Sunday with the final day of state championships. Randy Thomas of Faith, President of the South Dakota State Trapshooting Association, said while he did not know the exact number of shooters, he knows there will be many that will make the trip to Aberdeen for the tournament. “I’m going to guess we’ll have somewhere around 220 single shooters on Saturday, and the doubles on Friday for the championship doubles will probably be in that 140-150 bracket, and the handicap probably in that 160-165 bracket,” Thomas said. Thomas also noted that not everyone shoots in every division, and noted that is why the number of participants could be down from past years. “For the tournament, we’ll have over 600-700 different shooters I’m sure,” Thomas said. “Not everybody shoots everything, so that

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