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Gallery: Aberdeen Central boys soccer falls to Brookings

Aberdeen Central’s Creighton Aberle, right, goes after the ball with Brookings’ Noah Kieckhefer, left, during Saturday’s match at Brownell Activities Complex. Photo by John Davis taken 8/19/2023 Aberdeen Central’s Tyler Bain, left, tries to get control of the ball as Brookings’ Yuji Numata, right, tries to get around Bain during Saturday’s match at Brownell Activities Complex. Photo by John Davis taken 8/19/2023 Aberdeen Central’s Philip Abel, center, settles the ball in front of Brookings’ Junior Eberline, back center, during Saturday’s match at Brownell Activities Complex. Looking on is Central’s Samuel Franks (11) and in the background is keeper Camden Fauth. At left in the foreground for the Bobcats is Seth Vogt. Photo by John Davis taken 8/19/2023 Aberdeen Central’s Gus Bjerknes, right, goes after the ball with Brookings’ Isaiah Vogt, left, during Saturday’s match at Brownell Activities Complex. Photo by John Davis taken 8/19/2023 Aberdeen Cen

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