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Nesheim, Graff capture titles at Roncalli Invitational

Clark-Willow Lake’s Kamryn Nesheim competes Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

A pair of standout runners took a stroll in park on Thursday afternoon.

Kamryn Neisheim of Clark-Willow Lake and Ryder Graff of Sisseton ran away from their respective fields to win individual races at the Roncalli Invitational at Manor Park.

The location was a first for the event and offered everyone a unique perspective. The top runners lapped multiple competitors on the way to the finish.

“I’ve never caught anybody in a meet before,” Nesheim said.

She equated the course to a track meet, because instead of running a lap or two out on a golf course, she ran four laps at the park.

“Four laps is a little long,” Nesheim said. “It’s kind of like running the mile in track.”

The freshman set the pace early and never trailed in winning the girls’ race.

“In my seventh and eighth grade year I never really started strong,” Nesheim said. “I’ve always fallen behind and had to try to catch up. For me, it’s just easier if I start ahead and just set the pace the whole time.”

Of course, long-time rival Jaycee Hourigan of Deuel remained in contention on the way to finishing runner-up.

“We’ve raced so many times,” Nesheim said. “I always know she’s going to be there, so at every turn I kind of take a little glance to make sure she’s not getting any closer.”

Nesheim has a main goal in mind for the remainder of the season and it’s all about the state meet in Rapid City next month.

“I’m hoping to get in the top eight,” she said, “because the two mile I got eighth and I’m kind of hoping to get in that range somewhere.”

Like Nesheim, Graff lapped multiple runners on the way to his victory. He used the slower competition as motivation.

“It was kind of fun just to find someone to chase,” Graff said. “Like I’ve got to catch the next person over and over.”

Sisseton’s Ryder Graff competes Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

The sophomore trailed briefly at the start of the event before taking over and running away from the field.

“I was going to come out pacing with some people to block the wind, but I knew after I got about a quarter mile in the pace was going to be so slow,” Graff said, “so I just tried to lead it myself and see what happens, run my own race.”

Aberdeen Roncalli runners had solid performances at their own meet. Addison Cassady finished third and Hazel Kannegieter was fifth in the girls’ race.

Kannegieter was able to pass a pack of runners to improve her position late in the race.

Aberdeen Roncalli’s Hazel Kannegieter competes Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

“I guess I just want to finish the race,” Kannegieter said, “but most importantly I just want to finish strong knowing that I ran for God and that our team worked together, and did a good job as a whole.”

The freshman said she enjoyed having spectators throughout the park during the race.

“There’s a lot of people that are able to watch all throughout the course here,” Kannegieter said, “and it really helps when people are cheering you on all over.”

Matt Peterson finished ninth to lead the Cavaliers in the boys’ race. The sophomore also liked competing at Manor Park.

Aberdeen Roncalli’s Matt Peterson competes Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

“Honestly, I kind of really like this course, not just because it’s flat, I really don’t like that part, but that we can call it our own and we don’t have to keep using Lee Park,” Peterson said. “As coaches would call it, that’s Central’s playing field. I ran well today and I think that all my other teammates are running well.”

Peterson has a specific time in mind as a goal for the remainder of the season.

“My main goal for the rest of the season is to get down past the 18- minute mark and get down to 17:30 and that area,” Peterson said. “I’ve really been pushing for that this year.”

Aberdeen Christian had a pair of varsity runners competing in the meet. Joseph Richards finished 28th and Clara Herreid finished 38th. Both runners will be trying to qualifying for the state meet after just missing out a year ago.

Aberdeen Christian’s Joseph Richards competes Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

“I just want to work harder, even out of practice, in practice to make it to state,” Richards said, “because I know I have to shave a minute off just to go to state this year.”

The freshman said it will take hard work to accomplish that goal, especially not having anybody to push him in practice.

“It’s tough. There’s no other people that are faster than me, so I can’t push myself,” Richards said. “I just have to tell myself I’ve got this. I can push myself.”

Herreid has the same challenging situation on the girls’ side, being the only female on the Christian squad.

Aberdeen Christian’s Clara Herreid runs for the finish line Thursday at the Roncalli Invite cross country meet at Manor Park. Photo by John Davis taken 9/19/2024

“I need to definitely push myself a lot harder in practice,” Herreid said. “I’m the only girl on my team and it’s really hard for me. I’m all by myself, so I don’t have anybody to push me in practice.”

The eighth-grader will keep working hard with one big goal in mind.

“I’m trying to save my best race for regions, so I can make it to state,” Herreid said.

Deuel won both team titles during the meet, which featured music blaring through a speaker and fans literally scattered throughout the park.

“What I really liked about course here, first of all, we’re just three blocks from Roncalli. We can walk over here,” said Roncalli coach Casey Steele. “We train here quite often, but there were people all lining the course throughout the entire race and that never happens unless you’re at a state meet. It was a great atmosphere with the music, and parents and teammates all over the course. It was great.”

Steele noted the course measured a bit long, so the times ended up being a little higher than they normally would have been.

Roncalli competes at the Deuel Invitational on Monday.

To see complete meet results, click on the following link:

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