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Record-setting Schroeder leader on and off the court

Hitchcock-Tulare’s Katelyn Schroeder looks to serve the ball during a match earlier this season in Warner. Photo by John Davis taken 10/8/2024
TULARE - Katelyn Schroeder is hoping that her high school volleyball career will end the same place it started five years ago: the State B Tournament. As an eighth-grader, Schroeder played a key role on the only Hitchcock-Tulare volleyball team ever to play in the state tourney. Now, as a senior leader, she has helped lead the Patriots to its best season in school history at 28-2 heading into the postseason. Little did Schroeder realize back in the day how hard getting to a state tourney would be. "It felt like this was going to be an every year thing," Schroeder said. "It was tough to lose six seniors." Schroeder has come close to making it back, most recently last season falling one match short in the SoDak 16. Through the years Schroeder has racked up a resume full of impressive stats and school records, but even more importantly, she has come to a realization of where the sport volleyball fits into the grand scheme of life. "This year I feel like we’ve had a lit

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