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Girls’ Wrestling

Groton's Liza Krueger works on an opponent during the Region 1 Girls' Wrestling Tournament in Clark on Thursday. Photo by Heather Bode.
REGION 1A TOURNAMENT Team Points: Watertown 133, Brookings 92, Clark-Willow Lake 73, Sioux Falls Jefferson 70, Sully Buttes 66.5, Sioux Valley 59.5, Sisseton 59, Webster 55, Kingsbury County 42.5, Doland 42, Sioux Falls Roosevelt 20, Tea Area 38, West Central 31, Milbank 28, Dell Rapids 27, Groton 25.5, Faulkton 9, Britton-Hecla 7, Deuel-Deubrook Area 0, Hamlin-Castlewood 0, Ipwich-Bowdle 0, O’Gorman 0, Potter County 0, Redfield 0, Tiospa Zina 0. CHAMPIONSHIP MATCHES 100, Liza Krueger, Groton, pinned Emery Voelker, Tea Area, 3:44; 107, Olivia Anderson, Watertown, pinned Bailey Tekrony, Brookings, 5:18; 114, Brooklynn Randall, Watertown, pinned Lilly Toft, Brookings, 4:47; 120, Kami Erickson, Brookings, def. SageLynn Culley, Sioux Falls Roosevelt, 12-1; 126, Cateri Yellow Hawk, Sully Buttes, pinned Rachel Dagel, Sioux Falls Roosevelt, 1:07; 132, Tahnie Yellowhawk, Sully Buttes, def. Lainey Haines, Tea Area, 9-6; 138, Summer Guthmiller, Sioux Valley, pinned Kyla Logan, Dola

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