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McGough, Daly, DeBoer earn coaching honors

Miller track coach Tom McGough, right, talks to Madeline Nye, left, as she competes in the girl’s 800 meter run last year at the Northern State Open indoor track and field meet at the Barnett Center. McGough will be inducted into the national coaching hall of fame. Photo by John Davis taken 3/26/2024


SIOUX FALLS – The National High School Athletic Coaches Association has named the 2025 NHSACA Coach of the Year Finalists from South Dakota. To be considered for this award, a nominee has been determined to have outstanding coaching longevity and win-loss record, championship years, awards received, and service to the coaching profession and the State of South Dakota athletes.

All finalists will be honored at the National Awards Banquet at the NHSACA 60th Annual Conference in Rapid City, S.D., on Wednesday, June 25, at 5 p.m. CDT at the Rapid City Ramkota Hotel located at 2111 N. LaCrosse Street, Rapid City (605-343-8550). Athletic directors and coaches attend this annual event representing 19 sports from throughout the United States.

Aberdeen Central volleyball coach Jackie Bindenagel, center, talks to her players during a time out in a match against Sioux Falls Washington earlier a couple of seasons ago at the Golden Eagles Arena. At left is assistant coach Steph Daly, who is a finalist for National Assistant Coach of the Year. Photo by John Davis taken 9/14/2023

The 2025 NHSACA Coach of the Year finalists from South Dakota are Jason Wagoner of Sioux Falls Jefferson High School in the sport of Boys’ Cross Country; Misty Larson of Chester Area/Pierre High Schools in the sport of Boys’ Track and Field; Jesse Coy of Rapid City Stevens High School in the sport of Girls’ Cross Country; Rachelle DeBeer of Deubrook High School in the sport of Girls’ Track and Field; Les Coin Sioux of Falls Lincoln High School in the sport of Gymnastics (Special Sports); Pat Moller of Mitchell High School in the sport of Tennis; Linda DeBoer of Miller High School in the sport of Volleyball; Lance Pearson of Rapid City Central High School in the sport of Wrestling; Steph Daly of Aberdeen Central High School Girls’ Assistant Coach; and Craig Nowotny of St. Thomas More High School Boys’ Assistant Coach.

The National High School Athletic Coaches Association announces the upcoming induction of Arlin Likness of Yankton and Tom McGough of Miller into the NHSACA National Hall of Fame. This year’s induction ceremony for the Class of 2025 will take place at the National High School Athletic Coaches Association’s National Convention at the Rapid City Ramkota Hotel on Tuesday, June 24 at 6 p.m. CDT.

Miller volleyball coach Linda DeBoer, center, celebrates with her players as they come to the bench for a time out during Saturday’s Class A fifth place match against Sioux Valley at the South Dakota State Volleyball Tournament at the Denny Sanford Premier Center this past fall in Sioux Falls. DeBoer is a finalist for National Volleyball Coach of the Year. Photo by John Davis taken 11/23/2024

Likness and McGough were selected for this national honor by their state’s high school coaches’ association. This selection was based on longevity, service to high school athletics, honors, and other specific state criteria. The National High School Athletic Coaches Association is the oldest coach’s association in the nation, formed by coaches, for coaches, and has honored coaches from across the nation with induction into the NHSACA National Hall of Fame since 1996. Likness and McGough will now be added to this illustrious list of coaches in honor of their outstanding careers.

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