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Waubay-Summit 61, Webster 36

WEBSTER: Kaden Stoks 1 0-0 2, Jacob Keller 4 0-2 9, Gavin Sannes 1 0-1 2, Tayne Dunse 0 0-1 0, Jacob Pereboom 4 2-3 10, Aidan Kroll 1 0-0 2, Jaydon Keller 4 2-4 11. Totals 15-49 4-11 36. WAUBAY-SUMMIT: Damon Opdahl 7 0-0 19, J Gulbraa 6 0-0 12, Jonathan Johnston 4 1-3 11, Jackson Wohlleber 4 0-0 9, Seth Gaikowski 3 1-2 8, Sonny Marquart 1 0-0 2. Totals 25-51 6-13 61. Webster 6 15 28 36 Waubay-Summit 17 28 45 61 3-point field goals – Jacob Keller, Jaydon Keller; Total fouls – Webster 13; Waubay-Summit 6. Rebounds – Webster 26 (Pereboom 7); Waubay-Summit 27 (Opdahl 9, Johnston 9). Turnovers – Webster 7; Waubay-Summit 12. Assists – Webster (Jaydon Keller 3); Waubay-Summit 12 (Opdahl 4).

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