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Sully Buttes 42, Herreid-Selby Area 34

SULLY BUTTES: Ally Wittler 7 0-0 17, Tailyn Bradford 1 0-0 3, Lydia Hill 3 1-1 7, Calleigh Chicoine 1 1-2 3, Stevie Wittler 4 1-4 9, Addison Chicoine 1 1-2 3. Totals 16 3-7 42. HERREID-SELBY AREA: Kendell Sawinsky 6 2-2 14, Jennica Berens 1 1-2 3, Bella Brandner 1 4-4 7, Caitlyn Anderson 0 2-2 2, Jada Rossow 3 0-0 6, Mya Ebel 1 0-0 2. Totals 12 9-10 34. Sully Buttes 8 12 25 42 Herreid-Selby Area 7 18 30 34 3-point field goals – A. Wittler 3, Bradford; Brandner. Total fouls – Sully Buttes 13; Herreid-Selby Area 13. Rebounds – Herreid-Selby Area 25 (Berens 5). Turnovers – Sully Buttes 12; Herreid-Selby Area 17. Assists -Herreid-Selby Area 7 (Sawinsky 3). Steals – Herreid-Selby Area 9 (Sawinsky 2, Berens 2, Brandner 2).

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