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Auto Racing

Nelsons continue to add to racing legacies

Trevor Nelson, center and his father Greg Nelson, right, in the pits at Brown County Speedway. Photo by John Davis taken 6/3/2022
The Nelson name has been synonymous with auto racing success for nearly three decades. Gregg and his son Trevor raced in different eras at Brown County Speedway, but have gotten a chance to compete in the same race a time or two the past few years. That happened on opening night when the duo lined up side-by-side in the front row of a Super Stock heat race for the first time at the local track. “I’ve never been in that position before,” Gregg said. “First time in my life. It’s overwhelming to a point.” Getting a chance to compete against somebody who taught him invaluable lessons about racing is something special for Trevor. “It’s kind of a dream come true getting to race against your own dad,” he said. Father and son have had incredibly similar racing careers. Both have won numerous track championships, and both have finished as high as third place in national points. Needless to say, Trevor got into the sport by following his father’s footstep

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