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Track and Field

Widener defends hurdles championship; Ipswich wins combined team title

Langford Area’s Zander Widener clears the final hurdle on his way to winning the 300-meter hurdles event at the Class B South Dakota State Track Meet in Rapid City Saturday. Photo by John Davis taken 5/29/2021
RAPID CITY - It was a big day for Lake Region Conference members and an unforgettable day when it came to the boys' team championship during the Class B portion of the State Track and Field Meet at O'Hara Stadium in Rapid City on Saturday. Langford Area's Zander Widener won the 300-meter intermediate hurdles, Ipswich won the combined team title, and Hanson pulled off a last-event comeback to knock off Viborg-Hurley in boys' team points. Widener led from start to finish en route to defending his state championship. "You have to be the first one to go over the hurdle," Widener said. "Go out hard. After that, it’s just a gut race." Once Widener had the lead, he was not about to surrender it. "A couple of those hurdles I stutter-stepped," he said. "I wasn’t trying to go over it with my leg left, because I’m not a dual-legged hurdler. So I just gathered myself to get over the hurdle and kept running as hard as I could." Widener, who defended his title in the 110-mete

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