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Pairings finalized for State AA basketball tourneys

The fields are now set for the Class AA girls and boys state tournaments at the Premier Center in Sioux Falls. The girls' event will be Thursday through Saturday, and the boys' tourney is set for Thursday through Saturday, March 14-16. Here are the opening round pairings for each tournament: Girls’ State AA Tournament at Sanford Pentagon, Sioux Falls 8 Rapid City Stevens (13-8) vs. 1 O’Gorman (21-0), Noon 5 Pierre (15-6) vs. 4 Sioux Falls Jefferson (16-5), 1:45 p.m. 7 Harrisburg (13-8) vs. 2 Mitchell (19-2), 6 p.m. 6 Spearfish (15-6) vs. 3 Brandon Valley (17-4), 7:45 p.m. Boys’ State AA Tournament at Sanford Pentagon, Sioux Falls 8 Sioux Falls Jefferson (12-9) vs. 1 Mitchell (20-1), Noon 5 Sioux Falls Washington (14-7) vs. 4 Sioux Falls Jefferson (15-6), 1:45 p.m. 7 Watertown (13-8) vs. 2 Harrisburg (18-3), 6 p.m. 6 Huron (13-8) vs. 3 Brandon Valley (16-5), 7:45 p.m.

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