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NSU baseball, softball teams have busy Spring Break

Northern State softball and baseball hit the road for 21 games between the two programs over Spring Break. Wolves Baseball went 2-7 from Tucson, Ariz., despite scoring 75 runs, averaging over eight runs per game. They opened their Tucson series with a 14-13 loss to Dakota Wesleyan, although the Wolves defeated them five days earlier in a doubleheader. Drew Benson went 3-for-6 with three RBIs and a home run, with Jack Weidner also driving in three on 2-for-6 at the plate. The Wolves then had some Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference action against Winona State in a four-game series. In game one, the Wolves lost 9-7 with Brendan Phillips leading the way offensively batting 2-for 4-with one RBI. On day two, the Wolves lost 8-5 and 4-1 with Michael Benevides and Nick Ochoa both hitting home runs on the day. In the fourth game of the series, the Wolves lost 14-12. Ochoa and Phillips both put one over the fence, with Weidner going 3-for-4 with four RBIs. The Wolves then took o

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