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Elkton-Lake Benton 68, Great Plains Lutheran 45

GREAT PLAINS LUTHERAN (3-9): Jarret Bauer 1 0-0 2, Brody Scharlemann 3 0-0 6, Thaddeus Kretz 2 0-0 6, Haydn Karli 1 0-0 3, Micah Holien 4 5-6 16, Ladon Czerwan 1 0-0 2, Lucas Johnson 1 0-0 2, William Krenz 3 0-0 6, Holden Karli 1 0-0 2. Totals 17 5-6 45. ELKTON-LAKE BENTON (11-3): Eliot Erickson 2 0-0 4, Lane Schindler 2 0-0 4, Riley Nordmeyer 3 0-0 8, Tanner Stein 2 4-4 8, Ethan Wiskur 1 0-0 2, Colt Beck 2 0-0 4, Joseph Nibbe 8 0-0 17, Myles Poindexter 1 0-0 3, Tanner Drietz 4 1-2 12, Blake DeVries 2 2-2 6. Totals 27 7-8 68. Great Plains Lutheran 9 17 30 45 Elkton-Lake Benton 8 24 49 68 3-point field goals - T. Kretz 2, Ha. Karli, Holien 3; Nordmeyer 2, Nibbe, Poindexter, Drietz 3. Total fouls - Great Plains Lutheran 11; Elkton-Lake Benton 6.

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