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Milbank 67, Waubay-Summit 36

WAUBAY-SUMMIT (5-7): Brianna Lindholm 1 0-0 2, Faith Larson 3 2-2 10, Liza Purdy 4 1-1 9, Kayce Berger 3 0-0 9, Caley Boik 1 0-0 2, Sage Gaikowski 1 0-0 2, Callie Miller 1 0-2 2. Totals 14-35 3-7 36. MILBANK (7-3): Siera Wenzl 1 0-0 3, Isabella Anderson 5 2-2 13, Tyra Berry 6 1-2 16, Claire Snaza 4 0-0 8, Josie Riveland 1 0-0 3, Avery Schuneman 2 0-0 6, Belle Pauli 3 3-4 9, Anna Neugebauer 4 1-1 9. Totals 26-62 7-9 67. Waubay-Summit 9 15 29 36 Milbank 10 30 42 67 3-point field goals – Larson 2, Berger 3; Wenzl, Anderson, Berry 3, Riveland, Schuneman 2. Total fouls – Waubay-Summit 11; Milbank 10. Rebounds – Waubay-Summit 21 (Larson 6); Milbank 40 (Pauli 11, Anderson 8). Turnovers – Waubay-Summit 15; Milbank 13. Assists – Waubay-Summit 4; Milbank 13 (Anderson 4). Steals – Waubay-Summit 5 (Larson 2, Aubrey Strang 2); Milbank 7 (Wenzl 2, Berry 2, Pauli 2).

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